11-21-23 Warren Rosenbaum honored for Fifty Years of Legal Practice By the Monroe County Bar Association.

Warren Rosenbaum, a partner at Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP in the Litigation Department and Practice Leader for the Business Litigation group at the firm, will be honored for 50 years of practice and as an active member of the MCBA.
When asked about his five decades of practice, Warren said: “Through my 50-plus-year connection with MCBA, I formed many lasting friendships and rewarding professional relationships as I served as a trustee, officer, committee chair and member. I attribute much of my professional success to the support, patience and understanding of my wife Pam Rosenbaum. A grateful thank you is also due to my many past and present partners and colleagues for their mentorship, guidance and support—to name just a few: John Liebschutz, Sandy Shapiro, Dan O'Brien, Jim McElheny, and Bill Bauer.”
Congratulations Warren on this important milestone!
Warren will be among those being recognized as a 50-year member at the Bench & Bar Holiday Party on December 5.