Sum­mer Associates

The Sum­mer Asso­ciates Pro­gram pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to gain expe­ri­ence and for us to get to know your unique skillset and per­son­al­i­ty. As a young attor­ney, your whole career is in front of you and you want to build that career at a firm that offers oppor­tu­ni­ty, growth, and ful­fill­ment. Join­ing Woods Ovi­att Gilman as a Sum­mer Asso­ciate gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn why so many attor­neys who start­ed in the same capac­i­ty have cho­sen to make our firm their per­ma­nent home. 

Summer Associate Application

Hands-on expe­ri­ence, hats off for performance

Our Sum­mer Asso­ciates Pro­gram immers­es a select group of future/​prospective attor­neys in the firm’s diverse prac­tice areas through hands-on work expe­ri­ence with our attor­neys, plus a vari­ety of fun, social activ­i­ties. The Sum­mer Asso­ciates Pro­gram runs for 10 weeks, start­ing in ear­ly June and con­clud­ing in ear­ly August. By the end of the pro­gram, Sum­mer Asso­ciates have gained full and real­is­tic expo­sure to the range and qual­i­ty of our firm’s work, struc­ture, and office culture. 

Work assign­ments and feedback 

A sig­nif­i­cant part of the Sum­mer Asso­ciates expe­ri­ence at Woods Ovi­att Gilman is the abil­i­ty to work on sub­stan­tive work for real clients. As a Sum­mer Asso­ciate, you’ll con­duct research, write mem­os, draft wills and con­tracts, and attend client meet­ings and clos­ings. Your work prod­uct from each assign­ment will be eval­u­at­ed by the super­vis­ing attor­ney, who will pro­vide ongo­ing con­struc­tive feed­back. At the end of the pro­gram, Sum­mer Asso­ciates meet with the Recruit­ing Com­mit­tee to pro­vide feed­back on their expe­ri­ences to help the firm con­tin­ue to improve the pro­gram for future candidates.


We’re big believ­ers in the role men­tors play in the pro­fes­sion­al growth of our attor­neys. Our lawyers take on these roles will­ing­ly to begin inte­grat­ing Sum­mer Asso­ciates into the firm’s cul­ture as ear­ly as pos­si­ble. Each of our Sum­mer Asso­ciates is paired with an asso­ciate men­tor who helps acquaint the Asso­ciate with the firm’s attor­neys and pro­vides valu­able advice when work chal­lenges and ques­tions arise. 

Social activ­i­ties

Meet­ing and get­ting to know our attor­neys is one of the most impor­tant com­po­nents of your sum­mer expe­ri­ence. We strive to inte­grate Sum­mer Asso­ciates into all facets of firm life and encour­age you to meet and spend time with as many of your future col­leagues as pos­si­ble, both inside and out­side the office. Past sum­mer social events have includ­ed wine tours, scav­enger hunts, and din­ner par­ties with the part­ners. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even have some ideas of your own to share. 


Ris­ing sec­ond year law stu­dents should sub­mit a cov­er let­ter, resume, tran­scripts, and writ­ing sam­ple through their pro­gram’s OCI online plat­form or to Nicholas Pasquarel­la, Legal Recruiter, at Woods Ovi­att Gilman LLP, 1900 Bausch & Lomb Place, Rochester, NY 14604: npasquarella@​woodsoviatt.​com.