Pro­fes­sion­al Staff

Our staff is the heart­beat of our firm and the back­bone of every­thing we do for our clients. We know that our rep­u­ta­tion for out­stand­ing ser­vice is a result of our staff’s ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence, and we’re always look­ing to add to our team with peo­ple who share these prin­ci­ples. Staff mem­bers at our firm are remark­able. So much so that they could choose to work at vir­tu­al­ly any firm in the region. We strive every day to make Woods Ovi­att Gilman the firm they want to call home for their entire careers and one that staff mem­bers of oth­er firms can view with envy. 

If there are cur­rent­ly no job open­ings that match your skills or back­ground, we encour­age you to join our tal­ent com­mu­ni­ty. By doing so, we’ll have access to your cre­den­tials, mak­ing it eas­i­er for us to con­sid­er you for upcom­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties that align with your profile.

JOIN OUR TALENT COMMUNITY Paralegal, Trust & Estates

Don’t just take our word for it — let our employ­ees take the stand 

Sure, we can keep telling you what a great place Woods Ovi­att Gilman is to work. Or we could let our employ­ees speak for them­selves — which we’ve done. See below for var­i­ous real-life tes­ti­mo­ni­als from our very own pas­sion­ate, ded­i­cat­ed people. 

Here’s what some of our employ­ees have to say about work­ing at Woods Ovi­att Gilman:

Make a move that makes a difference. 

We look for­ward to con­nect­ing with you. 

See current openings.